Ubiquiti Networks
sub: UniFiController
note: 12112017
shopping cart
Stuff I just bought:
Still on the bucket list:
UniFi Controller
Well just started to setup a UniFi Controller:
SSL Intall comand
Aditional Cert
Some of the additional certs I needed to download before:
Start the UniFi Controller
C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Ubiquiti UniFi>java -jar lib/ace.jar start
Stop the UniFi Controller
C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Ubiquiti UniFi>java -jar lib/ace.jar stop
Poll status of UniFi Controller
C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Ubiquiti UniFi>java -jar lib/ace.jar info
the command to import cert
C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Ubiquiti UniFi>java -jar lib/ace.jar import_cert C:\Use rs\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Desktop\blaauw0417.pkey C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Desktop\ssx. txt C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Desktop\spo.txt C:\Users\B.A.Blaauwgeers\Desktop\mm o.txt parse ssx.txt (PEM, 1 certs): CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA parse spo.txt (PEM, 1 certs): CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority parse mmo.txt (PEM, 1 certs): CN=AddTrust External CA Root parse blaauw0417.pkey (PEM, 4 certs): found [CN=*.blaauwgeers.net] found [CN=AddTrust External CA Root] found [CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority] found [CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA] Importing signed cert[*.blaauwgeers.net] ... issued by [CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA] ... issued by [CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority] ... issued by [CN=AddTrust External CA Root] Certificates successfuly imported. Please restart the UniFi Controller.
hobby/ubi.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2021/09/11 14:27 door